Web Application Vulnerabilities

Web Application Vulnerabilities

Several vulnerabilities were covered in Injection Attacks, but there are even more that need to be covered. This is not an all-inclusive list, but one that you should be aware of.   

Other common flaws that might be found during a pentest are:

Session Attacks

Stealing a Session ID: You can steal a Session ID in several ways. 

To mitigate session attacks, you should ensure HTTPS and session IDs are generated using a secure random number to avoid predictability,  session timeouts, multi-factor authentication, and IP Address verification. 

Stealing a Cookie: The same methods as stealing a Session ID can be used to steal a cookie. Keep in mind that if a user's cookie is stolen, the attacker can impersonate the user's session and gain unauthorized access to the user's account. 

Burp Suite

Burp Suite is a great utility that can help in many aspects of testing for web application vulnerabilities. 

Finding Files and Directories

Again, finding various files and directories on a web server could help you find a web app that is being run or it could allow you to find configuration files. 

Web App Scanners

The video provides a demo of using Nikto and Skipfish. Nikto and Skipfish are web application scanner that is available to use in Kali Linux. I like Nikto as it provides the results right on the command line. Skipfish has the benefit of viewing the results in a web browser as it outputs a directory containing HTML. 

Keep these in mind as they will come up again with Vulnerability Scanners in the next module.