Company Info

Company Information

We should also try and learn as much as we can about the company.  The more information we can gather the better we can be prepared for later steps.  A great way to learn about a company is job search engines.  I would suggest using the following job search sites to look up company information:

Also, keep in mind Government jobs and States might have specialized job serch engiges. For example in Hawaii we use Government jobs you might wish to look at:

When looking at the jobs a company is lookign to hire for pay attention to the skills they are seeking. This gives you information about what types of technologies they are looking at.  For example here are the skill a job posting requires (I am not going to provide any company information or additional details). 

From this post we can gain a bit of information about what this company might be using. First off, we know they are running their own network due to the second and third bullet point.  We also know that they are using BGP to route their data (so I'd then go look up the companies BGP information as this is public). We also have learned they are running various protocols (GLBP, IPSEC VPNs using IKEv2 and ISAKMP). Finally, the last bullet point provides tons of information. They are using Cisco equipment and provide details about that! You might not know what a Cisco ASR or Cisco ISR is, but doing a quick search you'd be able to learn details about these routers.  

After I have done a search of various job sites I might go and search Google News to see if the company has been in the news lately. This can again provide details such as new hires (think CEO, CTO or new board members) or new products that they have released or just general information about how the company is performing.  Google News provides a nice and easy search feature for finding news.