
Learning Company Information

Depending on the type of test (white, gray or black box) you might need to learn details about the company/organization before you can start doing anything. A great way to do this is using publically available information! We can gain an understanding of the company and their organization by looking at IP Addresses, networks/routes, DNS information and SSL/TLS information! 

show dig, nslookup, whois, ip address information, bgp information.


Domain Information

Domain names are managed by registrars and they are then accredited by gTLD (generic top level domain) and ccTLD (country code top level domain) registries. This mean that the registrars work with domain name registries for companies (and people) to purchase domain names. We can use this knowledge and information to our advantage to learn about the company!

We will look at various tools that we can use to gain this information. A breif video demonstration and explanation will be provided. 

List of DNS Record Types.

DNS Records

Before we get into this we also need to cover DNS. Recall DNS provides us the ability to map and domain name to a specific IP Address. Also, some DNS records provided the ability to supply additioanl information as needed.  Below is a list of some of the most common DNS records and their meaning.





BGP Information
