Module 0

Module 0 (Start Here)

This module provides you with a basic course introduction, provides details to help you navigate the course and other requirements. Please make sure to look through each part. 

Course Details

This course covers basic computer forensics including operating system diagnostics, the use of forensic toolkits to examine and validate computer activity and techniques for the proper collection, examination and preservation of forensic evidence. 

Learning Outcomes (LOs):

In each module you'll find Module Level Outcomes (MLOs). The MLOs shows a relationship to the Learning Outcomes using a → character. Each assignment also contains the MLO that you are expected to learn from completing it. Providing these details will help you understand why we are covering the material in each module and the purpose of each assignment. 

Software & Hardware Requirements

Tech Support

If you need any tech support please reachout to me ASAP. I will assist you to the best of my abilities to fix your issue and get you back on track with the course. 

Disability Services Office

The goal of assistive and learning support services is to “level the playing field” to provide equal access to education for all at Leeward Community College. Accommodations given to students with disabilities in no way afford them an unfair advantage. Rather, they are in place to assist students with disabilities to overcome the disadvantages that would otherwise hinder their success.


Contact Information:

LC 213


Hours: Monday through Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm

Assignment Submissions

All assignments will be posted in Laulima and will be submitted through Laulima. Please check Laulima for the requirements of each assignment. I try and return assignments within 1 week of it being due.

We will be using the NetLab equipment to complete assignments for this course. You can find a listing of all the labs on the NetDevGroup website:

These labs will not be completed in order, so please make sure you pay close attention to the due dates and what lab we will be completing.

NetLab write-ups

Even though each module has a listing of NetLabs to complete there are specific due dates for each NetLab. This is because the NetLabs are mapped to content being covered and I want to make sure you are completing the NetLabs while we are focusing on the specific topic.

These write-ups should be well thought out and provide details about why this lab is important to a forensic investigation. A short one line answer does not provide the in depth details 


Please see the examples below.

Example 1 (Poor): This NetLab is useful because it teaches basic commands on Kali to scan networks.

Example 2 (Good): The contents for this Netlab are important to a ethical hacker because it teaches us how to scan a network, find live hosts and then be able to find open ports. Once we have located the open ports we can probe the system more and determine versions of the servers running. This is important as we can then learn more about that server and determine if it is vulnerable. Learning how to port scan is a very important step in learning how to become an ethical hacker.

Software Downloads

Not all software is required for this course. I provide you with links to additional software that you might be interested in learning how to use. I will denote important software that is required for the course using the ✶ character.  


Kali Linux ✶

Please watch this video that includes details about how to get your license key and VMware software.

Class Calendar

This is viewable by clicking the Calendar link on the Laulima navigation window. Please look through the calendar before proceeding. This is only viewable when using your UH Google Account. If you are not using your UH Account you will not be able to see the calendar. 

Forum Discussion

During this course we will be using the Forum tool in Laulima to hold conversations.  While in the Forum please make sure you follow these netiquette guidelines . 

During each forum post you will be required to post your own response and then at least two responses to your peers. These responses should be will throughout and not just a generic response. 

To familiarize yourself with the forum please complete the self introduction post by the end of the first week. Please make sure you change your profile picture so that I can help put faces to your names. You will have to click on the "Home" tab in Laulima and select "Profile" to be able to change your picture. 

Important Information

Read the following items

Important dates for dropping courses:

Student Code of Conduct: